SOP on Cleaning of Glassware Used in Chemical and Instrument Analysis

The purpose of this SOP is to lay down a procedure for cleaning of Glassware Used in Chemical and Instrument Analysis.

This SOP is applicable for Cleaning of Glassware Used in Chemical and Instrument Analysis, in Quality Control Department at manufacturing facility of Pharmaceutical Industry.


Collect the glass-wares viz., flasks, beakers, bottles, gooch crucible and silica ware etc., to be washed in a plastic tray.

First wash the used glassware with plenty of tap water.

Then scrub the glassware with 10% soap solution.

Rinse the glassware with plenty of tap water.

Again rinse 3 to 4 times with purified water.

Wipe the outer surface of the glassware with a clean cotton cloth.

Keep in Oven.

Always Use dried glassware for analysis.

Clean with Hot Nitric Acid  (Once in a fortnight):

Rinse the glassware with Hot Nitric Acid.

Allow it to stand overnight.

Rinse with plenty of tap water.

Finally rinse with purified water.

Wipe the outer surface of the glassware with a clean cotton cloth.

Use dried glassware.

Gooch crucible:

Fill the Gooch crucible with chromic acid mixture.

Allow it to stand overnight.

Rinse with tap water.

Apply vacuum and wash the crucible with tap water.

Then wash 3 to 4 time with purified Water.

Keep in oven.

Use dried glassware.

Silica and platinum crucible.

Rinse with chromic acid mixture.

Wash with tap water.

Wipe with a clean cotton cloth.

Ignite the crucible at 700ยบ C temperature in a muffle furnace.

Cool and place in desiccators.


As Per SOP on Employee Training







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