SOP on Disposal Of Chemical Containers & Solvent Bottles

This SOP is applicable for Disposal of Empty Chemical Containers, and Solvent Bottles generated in Quality Control Department at manufacturing facility of Pharmaceutical Industry.


The emptied chemical containers and solvent bottles shall be collected in washing room.

The labels of the chemical container shall be crossed by pen or removed; the same shall be washed with suitable solvent by wearing personal protective equipment.

Ensure that the chemical container and solvent bottles shall not contain any traces of chemicals or solvent.

Finally it shall be disposed in a scrap yard with the prior information of environmental management representative and safety officer through the environmental core member of the Quality control department.

Ensure that the polythene bags shall be decontaminated and it shall be disposed off along with the garbage.


As per SOP on Employee Training


As per SOP on SOP


Annexure– 1               Disposal Record of chemical containers & solvent bottles



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